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S T R O N G  G I R L  F E S T

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to be a part of the inaugural year of Hutchison School's Strong Girl Fest. 


Proud alumnae of Hutchison, we jumped at the chance to go back to a place that did so much for us and our community. Here the school is again, partnering with the Girl Scouts and doing their part to enrich that community through the minds of it's youth. 


Upon arrival, guests were welcomed with a campus map directing them to robotics and science activities, performance workshops, art exhibits, leadership challenges, athletic clinics and the campus farm. Every area offered extensive opportunities to open young minds to all they could imagine - from dissecting worms to architecture to even becoming Madam President. 


Jordan's experience in the corporate and non-profit event industry guided the complex day, consulting on the logistics and organization of vendors. Mallory assisted in producing a festival schedule and campus map, complete with thorough and detailed event signage throughout the property and classrooms.


Thank you to Hutchison School for the opportunity

and also for including us on their Supporting Our Community page.

Hutchison school event Memphis, tn
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